Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Persimmon trees begin to show their fruit in the fall

Persimmon trees are valuable trees to have for wildlife habitat.  The persimmons, once they ripen, are like candy to deer.  We have spent a great deal of time trying to find the persimmon trees on our property, and then have kept our fingers crossed that some of them are females, which are the only ones that produce this popular treat.  It is not possible to determine whether a persimmon tree is female or male except of course when the female tree matures and begins to produce the fruit.

It is very difficult to see the fruit in the spring and summer, when the trees are in full foliage, and the fruit is very small and almost the same color as the leaves.  But as summer turns to fall, the leaves droop and fade in color, and the fruit gets larger and turns a lovely shade of orange.

This particular tree is a prolific producer of fruit.  The persimmons, altlhough small, are now beginning to be very visible.  The fruit is still somewhat bitter and will remain on the tree for several more months.  Eventually ithe persimmons will get even more colorful and very soft, sweet and juicy.  Once the persimmons fall to the ground they disappear quickly.  The only reminder that there are persimmon trees on your property will be the large brown seeds that get dispersed and eventually turn into new persimmon trees.

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