Thursday, November 24, 2011

Signs of Deer Along Corridor

This is a buck rub, a definitive sign that a buck has passed by this area.  Bucks rub against trees with their antlers to visually mark their territory.  However, they are also rubbing the trees with a gland that is in their forehead to pass along information about their presence via scent released from this gland.  It has been determined that rubs are more commonly made by more mature bucks which also might give the landowner some information about what is traversing the corridor.  Buck rubs usually appear close to rut activity.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Deer Also Use Linear Openings

These linear openings between different wildlife habitat areas are also utilized by deer.  Once these trails are established the exposure to additional sunlight encourages the growth of various foliage that provide food for the deer.  And the deer tend to follow these trails to get to other habitat areas.