We enjoy sitting out on our porch which is covered by the roof and from which a light fixture hangs. This is an ideal place to sit anytime, especially on a rainy day, because it is covered and stays dry and is shady. Unfortunately, a bird has also decided that it is the perfect place to build her nest.
Several years ago she built it inside the light fixture. The porch floor was a mess, because, in order to keep her nest clean, she sat on the edge of the light fixture and used the floor as a target for the bird poop. Finally Bill dragged a tall ladder onto the porch and wrapped wire all around the lamp in order to encourage Mom Bird to build her next nest somewhere else.
Birds sitting in nest build by Mom Bird after the wire was wrapped around the light fixture |
Evidently Mom Bird liked this added protection for her nest and next set of babies. Soon a new family found the light fixture with the wire a neat place to live. And the wire had the added advantage of providing the perfect ledge to sit on and observe the surroundings, as well as to continue to use the floor as a target for the bird poop.
After these baby birds finally grew up and flew the nest, Bill decided that more drastic measures needed to be taken. More wire was bought and aluminum foil was added to the mix:
New nest build by Mom Bird on rafter next to light wrapped with wire and foil
We thought that surely Mom Bird would give up and find somewhere else to build her next nest. So were we surprised when, after a short absence, we were greeted with lots of mud on the floor of our porch and a new nest on the rafter next to the light and positioned right over our table, which I am sure will be the new target.
The battle continues, but so far the score is Mom Bird 2, Bill 0.
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