Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Oaks Have Brilliant Colors

Scarlet Oak
Many oaks still have brilliant fall colors late into November.  We are always observing the oaks on our property in the fall, because we want to know what the acorn crop will be for the year.  The red oaks, such as this Scarlet Oak, produce acorns that are more bitter due to the greater amount of tannic acid in the acorns.  White oaks are more popular with the deer, because the acorns that they produce have less tannic acid and are thus sweeter.  Acorns are a preferred food for the deer due to the protein that the nuts provide.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What Just 1/2 Inch of Rain Will Do

Finally we had a good rain.  Although it lasted for hours the rain gauge only measured 1/2 inch of rain.  But that made a difference as these "before" and "after" photos show:  Fertilizer and lime are important elements for improving the soil, but water is the magic ingredient that is necessary in order for the seed to develop into an edible crop.

After the Rain

Before the Rain

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Food Plots Planted - Now Need Rain

We planted a mixture of rye, wheat, oats, rape, and crimson clover in our fields in September.  We were encouraged by some rain that fell almost immediately after the planting; however, after that little bit of moisture it has been 6 weeks with no rain.  Between the drought and various birds eating the seed, our plots look quite anemic, as this photo shows: